The highest quality...


Corn, wheat, oats, and hay


Farm fresh local honey

Fall Decorations

Pumpkins, corn stalks, and mini straw bales

Kiefner Farm is owned and operated by John Kiefner on 500 acres in Will County, Illinois.

Outstanding in Their Field

A weekly article by John Kiefner. Subscribe to the Farmers Weekly Review to read John's articles immediately.

The Day After

The day after Thanksgiving I talked to my son on the phone and gave him a preview of how I intended to write about my thoughts for a post-Thanksgiving article. He advised me, quite succinctly, Read more…

Gobble Gobble

It is that time of the year to be thankful, or if I want to lay on a heavy dose of sarcasm, be as selfish and gluttonous as one can be. Gluttony and selfishness, am Read more…

Forever Plastics

Are you old enough to remember the anti-littering commercial showing an animal being slowly killed by strangulation from the plastic 6-pack beverage ring. How much more money would you spend to help protect the environment/ Read more…

August Vacation

I still remember what a meteorologists stated about 30 years ago concerning droughts. Is it still true? A simple definition of the word rustic is something made very plain and simple/primitive. Is that accurate? Read Read more…

Bully Was Used as an Adjective

Bully pulpit: A term coined by President Roosevelt which meant a terrific platform to advocate an agenda, as paraphrased from Wikipedia. Speaking of presidents and elections, it is almost impossible to have an election without Read more…

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