Drink All The Caffeine You Want

The year is over and many may be looking forward to 2022. I wonder if many farmers are happy to see 2021 in the rearview mirror or are they dreading the New Year. Despite some stories claiming that inflation is not much of a concern, I think many of us Read more…

Ho Ho Ho

The dearth of technology and communication due to my broken cell phone continues on my farm. The few phone calls that I have answered were usually met with much static and frustration. There is some good news about not using the phone; I have not been told that my car’s Read more…

Can’t Live With It, Can’t Live Without It

New technology is a blessing and a curse. A recent farm magazine cover showed the multiple faces of Ag technology and included an in-depth article about the future implications of new technology in agriculture. I certainly was not pictured or quoted in the article. Have you ever heard the phrase, Read more…

Storing Pollution for Future Generations to Fix

Do you know how much diesel fuel costs? Do you know how much carbon/carbon dioxide an old diesel engine produces per hour? What farm implement was John Deere’s first claim to fame? Do you remember the iconic antilittering commercial featuring Iron Eyes Cody as an American Indian? Wow, this is Read more…