The Incredible Edible Egg

Do you like oatmeal or cake? Once again the bird flu is wreaking havoc on poultry producers. Consumers are feeling the pinch of a shortened supply of shell eggs, and subsequently the increase in price at the grocery stores. Here are a few facts about eggs. Egg consumption has been Read more…

Hawaii Part 2, Best Titled, Ignorance is Bliss

Would you purposely destroy paradise? Does your conscience bother you if you do something wrong unintentionally, or intentionally? I was driving home from Chicago today lamenting about how to write part 2 of my article about moving to Hawaii. The motorist in front of me gave me inspiration, and evidence Read more…

Dreaming of Farming on Hawaii

How many farmers start contemplating their retirement when they are approaching Medicare age? That is my issue now, especially since my wife continues to fantasize about moving to Hawaii. It is probably responsible to do some research before moving. For the second time in 3 years, we visited Hawaii during Read more…

The Day After

The day after Thanksgiving I talked to my son on the phone and gave him a preview of how I intended to write about my thoughts for a post-Thanksgiving article. He advised me, quite succinctly, “Try not to offend anyone.” Let’s see if I can accomplish that. A few days Read more…

Gobble Gobble

It is that time of the year to be thankful, or if I want to lay on a heavy dose of sarcasm, be as selfish and gluttonous as one can be. Gluttony and selfishness, am I talking about the Thanksgiving meal or the shopping frenzy that soon follows the big Read more…

There Is No Such Thing as Too Many Sunflowers

Several decades ago I was warned by an agronomist about how herbicide weed control might be less effective on certain weeds that exhibited the sunflower effect. Since the leaves of certain weeds would track the sun, they should be sprayed in the middle of the day. This meant when the Read more…

Antlers and Tires Do Not Play Well Together

Do you know what the deadliest animal in North America is? Harvest is winding down, so it is time for me to write an article about deer, grandchildren, combines and flat tires. I will also add some plagiarism of a famous Tom Hanks quote. Combines are harvesting the fields at Read more…