Forever Plastics

Are you old enough to remember the anti-littering commercial showing an animal being slowly killed by strangulation from the plastic 6-pack beverage ring. How much more money would you spend to help protect the environment/ wildlife? The hay baler packs loose grass and legume crops into tight bundles for feeding Read more…

August Vacation

I still remember what a meteorologists stated about 30 years ago concerning droughts. Is it still true? A simple definition of the word rustic is something made very plain and simple/primitive. Is that accurate? Read on if you want an explanation. Hocking Hills, Ohio is approximately a 6-hour drive from Read more…

Bully Was Used as an Adjective

Bully pulpit: A term coined by President Roosevelt which meant a terrific platform to advocate an agenda, as paraphrased from Wikipedia. Speaking of presidents and elections, it is almost impossible to have an election without there being claims of election interference. Since this is an election year, I thought the Read more…

Flammable Liquid Safety Tips

Have you ever read the warning written on the top of a stepladder? If you like to see innovative uses of old items, I may have an article for you. When I was a kid growing up on our farm in Joliet, there was an old cement block building called Read more…

This Week’s Ramblings

Do you know what nutritionist state is one of the healthiest condiments to eat? Can you guess what condiment I have shunned most of my entire life, until I met my wife Cora 4 years ago? Do you know what Elote is? Can a stubborn 60-year-old man of German lineage Read more…

Hotter and Drier Has Arrived

And just like that, summer is here and almost everyone’s yard/grass is becoming parched and possibly brown, unless they have been watering it. Now for a recap on the spring of 2024 so far. The rural landscape changes quickly this time of year. The planting process is crucial for success Read more…