
This week I shall write about a topic I know better than most of the population, making hay. Our recent wet spring appears to be continuing with no end in sight. That does not bode well for planting row crops; however, it may very well be a good thing for Read more…

A Salute to Iron Eyes Cody

A quick internet search finds the definition of Earth Day as an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Did you know that the theme for the 2024 Earth Day is “Planet versus plastic?” I wish I had known that earlier; I had already drafted an Read more…

Concussion Protocol for Farmers

The past spell of above average weather to start the New Year was a blessing allowing me to tackle some of those odd jobs on the farm that were relegated to the “do later” pile. In 1971 my father built a 45’x90’ Morton pole building on our farm in Manhattan. Read more…