The Next Usain Bolt

I read an article several years back that now haunts me. It gives me pause whenever I perform the most simple and basic tasks on my farm. Also, have you ever washed your clothes and forgot about them for days laying wet in the washing machine. Now, you must read Read more…

Da Plane, Da Plane, That Was Tattoo

If you were to get a tattoo, what would it be? When I was very young, I thought tattoos were a sign of being rebellious or purposely being different than societal norms. Now it seems if you do not have a tattoo, you are being different. How do tattoos fit Read more…

Joy and Heartache

There are multiple articles that try to explain the difference between price gouging versus supply and demand economics. Now for the reason I bring this up. For the 2nd year in a row, I parked my combine during harvest and traveled to scenic southern Illinois and Shawnee National Forest. Last Read more…

Pennies, Corn, and $$$$$

Would you bend over to pick up a penny? How about 2 or 3? Is a penny today worth as much as it was in 1982, my first year of farming? This begs the question, which I will try to answer; How does a corn farmer make money? Another simple Read more…

I Am Spoiled – Skunks or Panthers

I currently have a guest from Mexico at my house. Jesus owns two farms in Mexico. Since I have lived my entire life as a farmer, and most of it on the farm, I have a different perspective on life in the country than my wife. Cora grew up in Read more…

Diversification and Sore Backs

When I was a much younger farmer, there were some very difficult years for a row crop farmer to be profitable. Diversification, not putting all your eggs in one basket, was the buzz word. Farmers could diversify by adding new crops or livestock to help spread risk and increase profitability. Read more…