Lamborghini Farmer

I need to finish this article as quickly as possible so I can go pick out my new Lamborghini. Should I go red or white? Have you seen the Clint Eastwood movie called The Mule? My first 13 years out of high school I spent most of my waking hours Read more…


If you like antiques, collectibles, long walks and Frank Lloyd Wright architecture among scenic valleys and farms, I recommend you visit House on the Rock in Wisconsin. A dry spell had parched crops at home, so it was time for a little recreation to the north, the land of cheese Read more…


Drought! This will be the 6th period of severe drought in my 42 years of farming; and if it does not start raining soon it will rank with the serious droughts of 1988 and 2012. Now that I am a lot older and wiser than I was in 1982, I Read more…

Soylent Green Was Made From Human Bodies

About 50 years ago I was taught that it takes about 100 years for the natural processes of nature to create an inch of topsoil. I was also taught that most of the soils in the upper Midwest owe their development to the grinding action of glaciers thousands of years Read more…

Taxes, We Don’t Need No Stinkin Taxes

Mother Nature has finally relented her chill. The asparagus is popping, and with warmer temps the annual ritual of wild asparagus picking will be finding many with the spring delicacy on their plate when this paper arrives in your mailbox. Did you know that the recent cold wave was probably Read more…

The Start of My 42nd Year of Farming

Ladies and Gentlemen, start your tractors. Well, I mean that metaphorically. Back in February in a conversation with Will County Sheriff Mike Kelley, he stated how beneficial it would be for his department to have a police helicopter. Farming and police helicopters; do I have your interest? It is now Read more…

Spring Turkey

For as long as I can remember there have always been constant requests for hunters to come on our farm to hunt wildlife. When I was younger, in the 60’s and 70’s, it was rabbits and pheasants. Now I believe if you want any chance of seeing a rabbit you Read more…

Who Wants Pizza?

Do you know how to make a pizza? Each year during National Agriculture Week the Joliet Junior College Weitendorf Agricultural Center is the home for a teaching session where volunteers educate students and teachers about pizza, or perhaps more specifically, where the ingredients for pizza come from on farms. Different Read more…