2012 with Rodney

2012 with Rodney

2021 with Leroy

2021 with Leroy

Nine years ago in March during National Agriculture Week I sat down and wrote my first weekly column for this paper. But first, let’s tie up some loose ends about dry hands. And for you Chicago Cub fans, do you remember what Moses Alou allegedly did to strengthen his hands?

A couple of times a month I receive an email from a reader about my writing. I always try to reply. Sometimes I even hit a topic that will garner several replies. When I wrote about dry hands and cracks on the fingertips, I received many responses. I stated I would advise the readers on what I learned. So, here goes.

First, my fingernails are so long I keep bending them back and accidentally scratching myself. I do not believe letting my nails grow long made much improvement in my skin’s condition. As of today, my left thumb is cracked. Running the humidifier in the house and the outside temperature warming up so the air is not so dry is the most likely reason my hands have improved. Albeit, only slightly.

The main answer suggested by the readers for my dry skin is lotion, lots of it. Udder Butter, Bag Balm, O’Keefes, Neutrogena, Vaseline and Olay. Some suggest gloves, socks and even rubber gloves or finger cots overnight while sleeping. Chapstick and Crazy/super glue were also recommended. My friends in the medical field have no proven relief from the constant hand washing and were hopeful I would secure the miracle cure. I have let everyone down, unless you manufacture lotion. However, there was a phone call with a unique remedy. Which brings me back to Moises Alou

He was not only infamous for his famous incident with that foul ball in the playoffs. He has readily admitted that he practiced an old tradition of pissing on his hands. Some believe that it toughens the skin, and he claimed it would help heal his calluses since he did not wear batting gloves. I cannot find any science to back up the claim, other than the fact that urine contains urea that is also an ingredient in some lotions. I wonder if I should test this theory, also. Now the risk of spreading Covid is not the only reason to avoid shaking my hand.

I will add this personal note about my anniversary of writing this column. I am starting my 10th year. I find that hard to believe, where did the time go? I remember when I was about 18 and my dad who was 56 at the time put on a sweater that he wore his senior year in high school. He was very proud that it fit, perhaps just a little tight in the chest. About a month ago I realized I was wearing the same sweatshirt that I used 9 years ago for this article’s picture.

It still fit. It is a bit tattered, but it fit. The dog is different, and so is the scenery. What will the future bring? Will I make it to 20 years? Will the sweatshirt still fit? I hope I will be able to write about it, and you will be able to read it, too.

Categories: Articles


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