I have fielded many questions about the safety of GMOs, genetically modified organisms, and their use in agriculture. Even though GMO technology was used to create synthetic Insulin for diabetics and Rennet for cheese production decades ago, some questioned GMO technology being used in farming. The scientific community has overwhelmingly declared GMO foods safe. Some continue to fight GMO foods. There have been attempts to label GMO foods and deceptive marketing has been used to incite fear of the technology.
The TV show 60 Minutes recently ran a segment about how GMO technology was used to quickly bring a Covid vaccine to fruition. Would it be hypocritical for someone who shuns GMO food to accept a GMO vaccine?
There are a lot of concerns about the new administration’s policies on agriculture. Many expect renewed emphasis on environmental issues and the role agriculture can have with climate change. I am all for conservation of fossil fuels and reducing carbon emission. I am not in favor of those with little or no knowledge of my farm telling me what I need to do. Would they like it if I came into their life and mandated the changes I think they should make for a better planet?
I am amazed at some of the wild ideas and proposals and humored by some of the knee-jerk reactions posted on social media. I have to wonder if any will come true based on these examples from my memory. I remember when Ronald Reagan ran for president that some opposed him, stating he would start World War III. I still remember being told that George Bush would eliminate labor unions and that Barack Obama would take away our guns. Did any of these come true?
I do not need politicians to legislate me to minimize my impact on the planet, and I doubt it would work for others. Remember that terribly windy evening on February 5th? With 50 mile per hour plus winds and a plunging thermometer it felt like the furnace was sucking the money out of my wallet. I turned the heat down from 64 to 58 degrees and saved a lot of money. No one perished and the house did not feel unbearable the next morning.
When I was younger, I sometimes got the luxury of having flannel sheets. They were a godsend sleeping in a bedroom that tended to be very cold in our old farmhouse. On January 18th I wandered through a large department store searching for flannel sheets. They could not be found, and an employee told me they were not available. The stores were currently putting the swimwear on display and winter items were already put away. Silly me, why would I expect to find winter items available in January. At another store I found the very last pair of flannel sheets.
Maybe I should be the ‘”global warming czar” for the Biden administration. I could give everyone flannel sheets in lieu of more Covid aid and put a lock on every thermostat. If you want to regulate my farm, let me regulate your heating and air conditioning. Trust me, you do not want me controlling your house thermostat. Saving the planet is going to be so much fun.
Here is a teaser for next week and a PSA. Do not panic when you see farm animals outside in the winter. They are fine, and they do not even have flannel sheets. I will explain next week.